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Here's your chance to win a free VIP passes and participate in JailBreak along with 4 nights stays at nullcon Jail. All you have to do is run over a few trivial puzzles and challenges and the golden ticket is yours. In case you have already bought the ticket don't worry we will reimburse your ticket if you win.
If you have spent anytime with puzzles like notpron or klueless, or other hacking challenges, this one should lie somewhere in between (we thought if you are going to pull your hair out solving the puzzle, its only fair that you learn something while doing so).
Get ready to goa!
1st Prize
VIP Conference Pass
24th Jan 2014 - 26th Jan 2014
Get a chance to play the ultimate hacking challenge in the world; JailBreak. The first few winners for Hackim will be enrolled for JailBreak Challenge.
Rules and Guidelines
- Players will need to create an account in order to participate in the challenge https://nullcon.net/challenge.
- Running Automation tools (scanners/enumerators/password crackers, etc) is not allowed and will not help you complete any of the levels in anyway based on the nature of the challenge.
- Each level gives you a sets of clues to reach to the next level. Following these clues you should figure your way to the next level. Once you have reached the final level you will know how to claim the booty. The person who finishes the final task first, wins.
- If you have completed a level, keep the answer to yourself unless you are the types who wants to spoil all the fun. Also, remember that by giving out the answer you are actually helping your competitors to win.
- This challenge does NOT give participants any legal permission to exploit nullcon.net, its subdomains and its hosting server in a destructive manner. Any attack against the site or the hosted servers will be observed under general legal framework.
- The unofficial back channel for the challenge is irc.chat4all.org #nullcon and #n|u. Hints will also be provided for each level through twitter or null mailing list.
- Scoreboard for the challenge is available on https://nullcon.net/challenge.

A challenge with a twist, wholly designed and developed by nullcon. An ultimate game for the adrenaline junkies and those who are tired of the conventional CTFs. JailBreak tests your skill level under high stress, limited time and resources. The participants will have to break free from the jail. The teams will be given 20 minutes each at nullcon conference Day two to talk about the solution that they completed and a panel of judges will rate the solutions to the problems assigned.
1st Prize
Cash Prize! To be announced.
12th to 13th Feb 2014
As the name suggests, the participants are put under house arrest for two days and nights. There will be specific technical problems given to the participants. The technical problems can range anything from finding zero days, writing exploits, creating a tool, attacking systems to solving a technical problem. Along with the main challenge the participants will be faced with other non-tech problems in the house which they will have to solve. They will be given limited food and beverage supply. The main challenge once finished will be considered as a successful JailBreak and the team will be free to roam around the city.
It's not over yet. There will a mole in the Jail :-D who will keep the CTF team updated with whats happening in the Jail, who is doing what, the sinister plans of the jail mates. We will also make videos of the jail and the jail mates and will publish it on-line for the world to see the gruesome JailBreak endeavour
Rules and Guidelines
Selection criteria for the teams is simple. Play HackIM and finish it. The top 5 teams will be selected for JailBreak. The teams will have to decide their team co-ordinator and notify the CTF team. A team can consist of three persons at the max. There will be max five teams that will play JailBreak. Participants are not allowed to leave the premises till the end of the time limit i.e 2 days. You can not damage the property (house) in anyway. Any team whose team member does not adhere to any of the rules will be disqualified and considered electrocuted. The teams who complete the challenge will be given speaking slots of 20 minseach to present their solutions. The winner will be decided based on the scores given by the panel of judges.