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- Nullcon Black Shield Awards
nullcon Security Conference - has changed the face of Information security canvas in Asia, is now set to recognize and salute the excellence, competence and contribution in various disciplines of technical research, development of security systems and applications pertaining to information security.
The "NullCon BlackShield" awards are given to the chosen and recognized individuals and organizations which bear maximum impact on information security in day to day operations and future technologies. What make them special is that they are community chosen and recognized.
Be a part of the NullCon BlackShield Awards... its driven by your opinion, your votes. Its your Award.
"nullcon" is proud to announce the winners of Black Shield Awards 2014. This is the first time we have community sourced the nominations and selection of winners and we received a huge response form the community. had received over 50 nominations in different categories and 1500 votes.
So here are the awards which are truly Chosen From & Given By the Security Community world wide.
Elite CISO | Burgess Cooper (CISO, Vodafone) Burgess has been a veteran in the security industry. He has been an early adopter of technology and has believed in staying on the cutting edge. He was the first to setup a security monitoring and adaptive threat management process in 2008. |
GOV-R-NATOR | Manoj Abraham (IGP, Kerala Police) Manoj Abraham is a senior officer of the Indian Police Service and has served in various capacities as chief of police of the cities of Cochin, Trivandrum, and Quilon. His community policing initiative was recognized with a special award in 2009 by the IACP. |
Luminaire | Vivek Ramachandran (Securitytube.net) Vivek Ramachandran had discovered the Caffe Latte attack, broke WEP Cloaking, a WEP protection schema in 2007 publicly at Defcon and conceptualized enterprise Wi-Fi Backdoors. |
Best Null Chapter | null Bangalore 4th year celebration of null Bangalore chapter on 24th Aug 2013, we have never missed a single meet since Aug 2009. |
Community Star | Manu Zacharia I dont think I can list everything that Manu Zacharia has achieved/accomplished and contributed to this community. I think the name is enough. |
The Categories
Elite CISO
This category comprises of CISOs who have achieved excellence in applying security in their organization and in Public Domain. This category involves banks, telecom, Finance, Travel domain which directly deals with Public resource, individual data and connectivity.
This category is to recognize the Government body or individual accomplishing pioneering job in implementing security for the Government.
A person who has made significant contribution to the security landscape and has been an inspiration to others.
Best of the Show
This award is for our Exhibition/Prototype participants, organizations making remarkable innovations in the field of security and also demonstrating the sense of social responsibility.
Best Null Chapter
Based on the agenda, number of members retained, extended and quality contributions.
Community Star
Contribution to community in terms of knowledge sharing, administration, communication, proliferation
The Process
We will soon start inviting nominations for all the above mentioned categories. The Award Jury comprises of well respected & veteran members of the community who along with the nullcon Team will short list four top nominations from each categories. The short listed Nominations will be notified and published on our website and social networks.
Note: The team nullcon will also discuss with the nominees for their objections/concern for participating in the Community voting process.
After the nominations we will open the voting process and the instructions will be provided on nullcon BlackShield Awards page. Everyone will be able to vote for the short listed Nominees in each of the above categories. Finally your votes along with the Jury will decide the winners.
Whats more in the Store?
As you are participating in the "BlackShield Awards" nimination process we have lots of goodies and take aways for your valuable contribution.
Important Dates
- Nominations are Open
- 20-01-2014:The nominations Close
- 22-01-2014:The voting process Starts
- 05-02-2014:The voting process Closes
- 14-02-2014:NullCon BlackShield Awards Night
- 15-02-2014:"Best of the Show" Award at Closing Ceremony