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- Justin Searle
Paper Title
Pentesting Proprietary RF Communications
Exploring the connections between the cyber and kinetic worlds can lead to very many interesting, unexpected, and even frightening discoveries. But have you ever taken this exploration into your own enterprises? This talk will demonstrate practical techniques to identify, assess, and exploit a subclass of control systems found in your companies that use proprietary RF communications, such as fire alarms, proximity cards, automotive security gates, car alarms, conference rooms, and building automation systems.
Speaker Profile
Justin Searle is a Managing Partner of UtiliSec, specializing in Smart Grid security architecture design and penetration testing. Justin led the Smart Grid Security Architecture group in the creation of NIST Interagency Report 7628 and played key roles in the Advanced Security Acceleration Project for the Smart Grid (ASAP-SG). He currently leads the testing group at the National Electric Sector Cybersecurity Organization Resources (NESCOR). Justin has taught courses in hacking techniques, forensics, networking, and intrusion detection for multiple universities, corporations, and security conferences. Mr. Searle is currently a certified instructor for the SANS Institute. In addition to electric power industry conferences, Justin frequently presents at top international security conferences such as Black Hat, DEFCON, OWASP, Nullcon, and AusCERT. Justin co-leads prominent open source projects including the Samurai Web Testing Framework (SamuraiWTF), the Samurai Security Testing Framework for Utilities (SamuraiSTFU), Middler, Yokoso!, and Laudanum. Justin has an MBA in International Technology and is a CISSP and SANS GIAC certified Incident Handler (GCIH), Intrusion Analyst (GCIA), and Web Application Penetration Tester (GWAPT).