Anirudh Duggal

Security Researcher At Northeastern University

Anirudh Duggal

Talk Title

Hacking medical devices and infrastructure


HL 7 2.x standard is the most widely implemented standard for healthcare in the world. This messaging standard allows the exchange of clinical data between systems. The speaker will talk about how to test the implementation for security vulnerabilities, common flaws with implementation and attacks that can be performed for stress testing and crashing the systems. The speaker will also present a tool that can be used for quick analysis and attacks.

Speaker Bio

Anirudh Duggal is a security researcher, pursuing his masters at Northeastern university (Boston). Besides this he runs the - A project that aims to bring together researchers and help spread awareness on healthcare security. He has previously spoken at Cocon (India), Ground Zero (India), HITCON (Taiwan) , Nullcon (India) and PhD (positive hack days, Russia), Blackhat USA (2016).

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