Neelu Tripathy & Shobhit Gautam

Neelu Tripathy and Shobhit Gautam

Talk Title

Social Engineering Village


Social Engineering Village is an event to understand and apply hands-on the techniques of Social Engineering and is aimed towards security enthusiasts and professionals alike. It would consist of various challenges that cover all major attributes that Social Engineering involves today. Participants will be given a target and set of required flags (required piece of information) and allowed to use their systems and resources to perform extensive reconnaissance on the target. This will be followed by live calls and physical pen testing challenges to obtain the final set of flags. Hence, it would be a complete village for Social Engineering with hands-on flag capture techniques for participants to exploit and win.


Neelu Tripathy: She is working as a senior information security consultant with NotSoSecure Pvt. Ltd. She started as a developer and has been working on vulnerability assessments and penetration tests for web applications and networks. She performs threat modeling and design reviews for financial and banking applications and has a fair idea of the challenges and design solutions for the same.

She has a rich background of projects where she worked for building and execution of various threat cases, bending business logic, executing social engineering scenarios, spear phishing, building exploits, red teaming, wireless and physical pentesting. Apart from security assessments, she also conducts assignments such as red team attacks, large-scale reconnaissance, data exfiltration for various domains such as finance, banking, travel, telecom and so on. Her training experience spans across local and international platforms such as BlackHat USA (BH USA 2017) where she conducted Infrastructure hacking courses. She also conducted the Recon Village in Defcon 2017, Las Vegas, USA.

Certifications: Offensive Security Certified Professional [OSCP]

Shobhit Gautam: He works as information security engineer with Adobe India, New Delhi. He has conducted vulnerability assessments and penetration tests for web applications and networks. Has a rich background in social engineering, physical pen testing and reconnaissance. Currently works as threat analyst reviewing designs for medium to large and complex application ecosystems.

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