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- Hackers Horror Stories
Hackers Horror Stories
Date: 1st March 2019
Time: 04:45 PM to 05:30 PM
Ballroom A, Holiday Inn Resort, Goa
Horror Stories from Hacker World
For attendees:
If you have worked in tech long enough, you have probably experienced that gut-wrenching, stomach-churning, queasy moment when everything around you came crashing down because someone typed one incorrect command. And if you were fortunate, it was you who caused it.
"Horror Stories from Hacker World" is a celebration of those moments where we neither glorify nor vilify such stories. Our world is shaped by the stories we tell, and the stories in this session attempt to portray the ground reality and the inevitability of failures.
We invite you to join us and hear the experts paint the moment through their stories that scarred and humbled them, but also gave them the spectacular expertise that most of us lack.
For storytellers:
If you have worked in tech long enough, you have probably experienced that gut-wrenching, stomach-churning, queasy moment when everything around you came crashing down because someone typed one incorrect command. And if you were fortunate, it was you who caused it.
"Horror Stories from Hacker World" is a celebration of those moments where we neither glorify nor vilify such stories. Our world is shaped by the stories we tell, and the stories in this session attempt to portray the ground reality and the inevitability of failures.
As the Japanese proverb goes, even monkeys fall from trees. We invite you to narrate the moment of humility and vulnerability that makes you the expert you are. Share the stories that can help create a culture of vulnerability and humility.