- About Goa'15
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- Job Fair
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- Goa'15
- Job Fair

Nullcon is an annual security event which is driven by the security community for the security community. We are focussed towards serving all kinds of audience and in that course nullcon is excited to host a special job fair by null – The open security community, a registered non-profit organization, for security professionals looking for a new opportunitites and for organizations looking to hire the best of the talents from the security community. Null job fair is a platform where prospective employer and employee can meet and interact with each other in an open environment.
Recruitment made easy with the three step solutionNullcon has a dedicated null jobs booth at the exhibition space during the conference for security professionals to submit their resumes on-the-spot. Nullcon team shares the resumes with the organizations present at the conference on priority basis for shortlisting and screening (sponsors are given priority).
The candidates can interact with the recruiters and vice versa at the conference to understand the opportunities and proceed with the hiring process.
In case you wish to apply now you can submit your resumes early to [email protected] with subject line “nullcon 2015 – null job fair”. You are however, required to be present at nullcon for screening and interaction with recruiters.
Organizations interested in hiring at nullcon need to fill up the recruitment form at the jobs booth and get their notification priority code.
Some of our Past Recruiters –
- HSBC Software Development India Pvt Ltd
- Mercedes Benz R&D India Pvt Ltd
- Adobe Systems