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Its our 6th year of nullcon International Security Conference & 3rd edition of NullCon BlackShield Awards.
We are very excited to ask the community to send in their nominations and vote for their ICONs who have contributed in various disciplines of technical research, development of security tools, trainings, positively Impacted the world of Information security.
Even this year we will be community sourcing the nominations and selections of "NullCon Black Shield Award Winners".
Be a part of the NullCon BlackShield Awards... its driven by your opinion, your votes. Its your Award.
Category | Name | Achievement Summary |
Community Star | Abhisek Datta (Founder, 3S Labs) | Single handedly responsible for swachalit portal for null http://swachalit.null.co.in |
Akash Mahajan(Founder, The Appsec Lab) | An exceptional motivator, he has helped set up several Null Chapters throughout India. He's an amazing mentor, a great visionary who brings out the best in people. Making bangalore chapter the best (as per blackshield awards) for the past few years. https://www.linkedin.com/in/akashm | |
Mark Davidson (Lead Cyber Security Engineer, MITRE) | Community lead for the emerging cyber threat intelligence standard TAXII. Strong community leader, good listener, great shepherd. http://making-security-measurable.1364806.n2.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=search_page&node=1364806&query=mark+davidson&n=1364806 | |
Nitesh Betala (Chapter Lead, Null Chennai) | Chapter Lead of Chennai Null. Conduts the Null Meets with very well and organized manner. http://null.co.in/chennai/ | |
Elite CISO | Archie Jackson(General Manager IT, Steria India Limited) | Large scale single platform integration for secured F&A for Healthcare (NHS UK)http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/your-practice/practice-topics/practice-income/nhs-shared-business-services-profits-up-88/20004002.article#.VEZho3eaa9U |
Atul Kumar(GM DIT & CIO, Syndicate Bank) | Past president of ISACA Bangalore. Has mentored countless individuals in Infosec and IT Governance. As GM IT significantly improved the infosec posture of Syndicate Bank. He has been instrumental in implementing Core Banking, Data warehouse projects also in Syndicate Bank. Also has published best practices for Datawarehouse implementation along with IDRBT( Established by RBI), Hyderabad. Atul Kumar is a recipient of many awards including CIO 100 by IDG India,CIO Master 2013 by Biztech etc.https://in.linkedin.com/pub/atul-kumar/52/591/4b5 | |
Manoj Kumar (Group CIO & CISO, ACME Group) | Implemented BYOD across the ACME Group. Increased Productivity, Customer Satisfaction and imporved Inventory Management with real time data capturing. | |
Prasanth Puliakottu (CIO, Sterlite Technologies Ltd) | Single Sign on and two factor authenitication - For all Business Applciation http://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/cio-wall/prasanth-puliakottu/39812087 | |
S Prabhu Chairman & CEO, ConsulSys (India) Pvt Ltd) | He is a IAAS, CISA, CRISC and has worked in government at Centre and State in various capacities including as Controller, Operations & Finance at NTRO under PMO, GOI.https://in.linkedin.com/pub/sundaram-prabhu-iaas-cia-cisa-crisc-msc-pg-dips/7/8a6/6a7 | |
GOV-R-NATOR | Commodore Anand(Director- IT, WESEE, Indian NAVY) | Has lead the Cyber Security Wing of WESEE from the front and implemented state of the art technologies for protection of WESEE from threats emanating from nation states and cyber criminals. |
Dr. Rajendra Kumar(Joint Secretary, Dept. Electronics & Information Technology, Govt of India) | Has spearheaded the implementation of SDCs, SWANs, eDistrict, CSCs etc. projects in the country and has also facilitated states in implementing requisite security solutions across all SDCs by allocating security specific budgets and by providing guidelines. | |
Susheel Verma (Director, DRDO) | Has implemented state of the art technologies to protect DRDO from various malicous attacks. | |
VN Shukla(Director- IT, Election Commission of India) | Has spearheaded the implementation and successful running of the complete ECI infrastructure including implementation of requisite security solutions for protection of ECI from all cyber attacks. | |
Luminaire | Aditya Gupta(Founder, Attify) | Renowned mobile security expert and information security researcher. Lead developer and co-creator of Android Framework for Exploitation, done a lot of in-depth research on the security of mobile devices including Android, iOS and Blackberry. Discovered serious security flaws in websites such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Skype and many more.http://www.rsaconference.com/speakers/aditya-gupta#sthash.KNx3IVLO.dpuf |
Anant Shrivastava(Security Researcher) | Independent Information Security Researcher specially focused towards Mobile and Web Application Security. He runs a Android Focused Linux Distribution named as AndroidTamer. He Manages CodeVigilant project which aims to identify security issues in open source software and perform co-ordinated disclosure and get issues fixed. The database has 150+ publicly disclosed vulnerabilities with equal number of undisclosed vulnerabilities at this point. He is mentor and contributor to multiple open source projects related to Offensive and Defensive web application Security, Wordpress Security and Android Security. More details about his work can be found at http://anantshri.info/ | |
Katie Moussouris(Chief Policy Officer, HackerOne) | Katie's work with Microsoft encompassed industry-leading initiatives such as Microsoft's bounty programs & Microsoft Vulnerability Research. She is also a subject matter expert for the US National Body of the International Standards Organization (ISO) in vulnerability disclosure (29147), vulnerability handing processes (30111), secure development (27034), and penetration testing (20004). http://twitter.com/k8em0 | |
Rahul Sasi(Security Researcher, CITRIX) | He disclosed vulnerabilities/Bugs to Google, Apache, Banking sectors and many IT giants. Rahul has authored articles and spoken at various conferences. He has contributed to security research in a wide variety of areas like Cable TV Hacking, Leading G4H, Project SANDY, free info sec education, IVR Security and DRONES to name few. http://garage4hackers.com |
The Categories
Elite CISO
The CISOs who have achieved excellence in applying security in their organization and in Public Domain. This category involves banks, telecom, Finance, Travel domain which directly deals with Public resource, individual data and connectivity.
This category is to recognize the Government body or individual accomplishing pioneering job in implementing security for the Government.
The most talked about person in most of the 1337 conferences and communities, one who has made significant contribution to the security landscape and has been an inspiration to others. His/Her achievements and contribution should be open for public and not proprietary.
Best of the Show
This award is for our Exhibition/Prototype participants, organizations making remarkable innovations in the field of security and also demonstrating the sense of social responsibility.
Best Null Chapter
null - Bangalore Has been the best chapter for last 2 successive years. It will be interesting to see if some other chapter wins this prestigious award this year. Winners are chosen based on the agenda, number of members retained, extended and quality contributions.
Community Star
The go to person in the community whose contribution, knowledge sharing, administration, communication, proliferation has helped many comrades in the security world.
The Process
Nominations for all the above mentioned categories will start from 1st of December to 31st December 2014. The Award Jury comprises of well respected & veteran members of the community who along with the nullcon Team will short list four top nominations from each categories. The short listed Nominations will be notified and published on our website and social networks.
Note: The team nullcon will also discuss with the nominees for their objections/concern for participating in the Community voting process.
After the nominations we will open the voting process and the instructions will be provided on nullcon BlackShield Awards page. Everyone will be able to vote for the short listed Nominees in each of the above categories. Finally your votes along with the Jury will decide the winners.
Whats more in the Store?
As you are participating in the "BlackShield Awards" nomination process we have lots of goodies and take aways for your valuable contribution.
Important Dates
- 01-12-2014:The nominations Open
- 31-12-2014:The nominations Close
- 10-01-2015:The voting process Starts
- 31-01-2015:The voting process Closes
- 05-02-2015:NullCon BlackShield Awards Night
- 07-02-2015:"Best of the Show" Award at Closing Ceremony